Below, we have listed some of the common FAQ’s we are receiving during COVID-19 and the Department changes in the guidelines to ensure the applicants are lawful.

  • I am currently on my first work and holiday visa and working on a farm, do I need to change the employer after six months?

No, there is an automatic exemption to work with the same employer-provided you have been working in the critical sectors such as agriculture, food processing, health care, aged care, child care and so on.

  • Can an overseas applicant apply for the work and holiday visa currently?

No, the overseas applicant will not be able to apply for the work and holiday visa due to the travel ban restriction across the border.

  • Do I need to complete the required three or six months of specified work to apply for second and third work and holiday visa?

If you are employed in the non- critical sectors and not able to complete the required three or six months of specified work, the applicant is eligible to apply for the subclass 408 visa under the Australian Government Endorsed Stream(AGEE). The application charges for this application is Nill.

  • Are there any provisions available for the visitor visa holder to work?

Yes, the visitor visa holders who are unable to travel back and are suffering due to the financial hardship can request for the visitor visa without the no-work condition imposed on their visa.

  • What are the requirements to apply for the subclass 408 visa under the Australian Government Endorsed Stream.?

The applicants have to apply for this visa subclass before the current visa expires or within 28 days of the visa expiry.

The applicants must be skilled in the essential sectors and also demonstrate that they cannot meet the requirements for the other visa subclasses.

  • I am a 457 visa holder working as a Chef, and the restaurant has reduced my working hours from 38 to 20 hours per week. Do I need to inform the Department?

No, The Department is lenient during the COVID – 19, and there is no need to inform the Department.

  • I am currently on a 482 visa. My employer has shut down the restaurant. What are my visa options?

Since you are currently not working with the employer, you need to find a new sponsor and lodge a new nomination application within 60 days. If you are not able to find the new sponsor by then, you can apply for the visitor visa if you are not able to leave the country due to the travel ban restriction.

  • Are states or territories issuing invitations during the COVID_19?

Yes, the states or territories are sending the invitations. The Department has asked not to issue the invitations for the applicants who are subjected to s 48 bar, as the applicants cannot lodge the applications onshore.

  • My permanent residence was granted a few months ago, and I am not able to make the first entry within the date mentioned. Will my Permanent residence be cancelled?

No, it will not be cancelled.
